Borax, Super Washing Soda, and Fels Naphtha laundry soap. It's 1 cup of Borax, 1 cup of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda, and 1 bar of grated Fels Naphtha Soap (usually around $1, and I used a cheese grater) and theres a bath of laundry soap. It doesn't look like a ton but it smells so clean and fresh and one batch of homemade laundry detergent is about 40 loads of laundry, talk about getting your money's worth. It's 1 tablespoon per load. I took this picture from Pintrest but this about how much a batch makes.

One box of borax and one box of Super Washing Soda makes about 5 batches of homemade laundry detergent so you definitely get a run for your money!
You can also make about ten gallons of liquid laundry soap using the same ingredients using 1/4 c with each load. I've been doing it for a few years and it saves tons of money. Just grate the soap cook over med heat in 1.5 liters of water till its all melted and add 1/2 c each of the washing soda and borax. Stir as it thikens and them take off stove and add warm water till you reach ten liters. Let it cool and set up and then put in a large container with a lid. Takes up more space but sooo easy, hardly takes any time, and goes a loooing way. And of course cheap cheap cheap!!